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The Informationstechnikzentrum Bund (ITZBund) is the central IT service provider of the Federal Government and is tasked with supporting public administration with the help of modern information technology and preparing it for the digital future. The ITZBund is located at the Federal Ministry of Finance, but works interdepartmentally and on a contract-related basis for various customer authorities from the areas of transport, tax, personnel, internal security and integration.


Initial situation

As an IT service provider for the entire federal administration, the ITZBund offers its employees a wide range of fields of activity and varied tasks relating to information technology. This is an exciting professional environment that will continue to develop rapidly in the future and will therefore always require well-trained staff. The ITZBund is keen to increase its visibility as an attractive and family-friendly employer and to promote young talent. To this end, the ITZBund works together with the media agency  Zanatta among others.



At the beginning of 2024, ITZBund was interested in attracting candidates for the dual study program “Administrative Informatics (VIT)” at the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Munich. The application deadline for the start of the winter semester in October 2024 was mid-February. The aim was to attract pupils and students to the course with a comprehensive media campaign – and to strengthen the ITZBund’s employer brand.

Anfang 2024 ging es ITZBund darum, Kandidat:innen für den dualen Studiengang „Verwaltungsinformatik (VIT)“ an der Universität der Bundeswehr in München zu interessieren. Für den Start des Wintersemesters im Oktober 2024 endete die Bewerbungsfrist Mitte Februar. Mit einer umfassenden Mediakampagne galt es, Schüler:innen und Studierende für den Studiengang zu gewinnen – und die Arbeitgebermarke des ITZBund zu stärken. 



In addition to digital city light posters, info screens, programmatic advertising, social media activities on Snapchat, Jodel, Twitch Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn and Xing as well as podcast advertising and much more, bike-sharing bikes were also used as advertising space: Due to an already successful campaign with ADbike, the bike advertising division of nextbike, the ITZBund also relied on the reach and target group popularity of rental bikes for the “VIT campaign”. The topic of sustainability also played a role in this context, as the ITZBund is also responsible for promoting green IT in the digitalization of the federal administration. A total of 900 bikes across Germany were branded with the motif designed by the agency Ressourcenmangel and sent out on the roads for four weeks (15.01.-15.02.2024).



During the campaign period, nextbike recorded over 27,500 journeys with the branded bikes. They covered a total of 52,316 kilometers and generated over

63 million gross contact opportunities and thus immense visibility, which was further increased by the supplementary, digital advertising measures.

“Our expectations of ADbike as part of the media campaign were absolutely fulfilled and we are satisfied with the result. The branded bikes are being noticed and we have already received plenty of positive feedback both internally and externally.”

Marius Welper, Personnel Marketing Officer at ITZBund.