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6 advertising to-dos for the most sustainable European Championship of all time

The European Football Championship is set to be the most sustainable of all time – a challenge and an opportunity for media planners and advertising companies in equal measure.

According to our survey of 11,500 users, for example, 43% of respondents want to follow the European Championships, 14% even live in the stadium or on the fan mile. The sporting event billed as the “most sustainable European Championship of all time” is the perfect advertising environment to attract attention and be visible. But when is it worth having a presence and what do you need to bear in mind?


Focus on sustainability at the 2024 European Football Championships

Brands and companies that are increasingly aligning their marketing activities with ESG (environmental, social and governance) criteria and acting more sustainably will be given a suitable framework with the European Football Championship 2024. However, there are a few aspects to bear in mind. UEFA, the DFB and the German government have set specific goals in terms of ESG responsibility: The strategy covers the areas of “environment and climate”, “society”, “good governance” and “health and physical activity” and requires, for example, the reduction of CO2 emissions, combating discrimination and promoting physical activity. In the area of “Environment and Climate”, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) has carried out a feasibility study that sets out precise recommendations for action. Specifically, this includes environmental measures such as reducing the use of floodlights, the use of reusable cups in stadiums, but also the restriction of parking facilities and the subsidization of bus and train tickets. Cities such as Cologne, for example, are focusing on comprehensive bus and rail transportation as well as additional capacities in bike and scooter sharing.


Six tips on how to advertise during the European Championships

How can the general sustainability character of the sporting event be used for your own advertising and communication? And what should companies avoid when it comes to advertising for the European Championships? Here are six clear to-dos for me:


1. use the sustainability aspect of the European Championships to your advantage

At a sporting event that aims to be the most sustainable of its kind, the most fatal mistake is probably to ignore precisely this aspect of sustainability. It is therefore advisable to first familiarize yourself with the concepts of UEFA, the DFB and the German Football Association. It is then important to check where there is potential for your own company. According to a study by Nielsen, sustainability is an ongoing and important trend in advertising – across all sectors. It is important to consider what role advertising measures can play in this context and what is authentic for the company. Sustainability therefore starts with the mindset and corporate culture.

2. do not engage in greenwashing

When it comes to sustainable advertising, the greatest risk to a company’s reputation is always to engage in mere greenwashing and possibly only half-heartedly jump on the “sustainability EM” bandwagon. Here it can be helpful not only to focus on obvious options, but also to specifically scrutinize how advertising materials and media are produced and disposed of, for example. Are there advertising media that do not have to be produced separately and are fundamentally climate-friendly, such as public transport, bicycles or public waste garbage cans?

3. carry out activities with diverse added value

How can the life of the target group be made easier and the concept of sustainability be continued at the same time? A promotion can have added value for the environment and society as well as for consumers by promoting responsible behavior. In the course of the 2024 European Football Championship, for example, this could be discounts for public transport or a voucher for vegan snacks in the stadium. In addition to sustainability and fairness, the European Championship stands for exercise and sport – something that could also be conveyed with advertising materials, such as free minutes for a bike-sharing provider in the respective or all host cities. Red Bull, for example, did this as part of the Streetdance Festival in Frankfurt in October 2023.

4. consider all touchpoints around the EM

As with every campaign, it is important not to back just one horse during the European Football Championships and to create a varied and balanced media mix. Advertising materials and media that stand out and have a long-lasting presence – either physically or digitally – are very popular. It makes sense to think about the event itself, especially when organizing a major nationwide event lasting several weeks: How do participants get there? How and where do they stay during public viewing or after a visit to the stadium? This shows that the urban space of the venues offers a promising advertising environment.

5. start early with media planning and advertising concepts

It could prove to be a disadvantage not to consider advertising options until shortly before the start of the European Championship on June 14 because other topics may be important at the moment. Popular advertising spaces in various media may already be fully booked by then; the possibility of linking added value to the campaigns is too time-consuming to manage in time. Our user survey also revealed that the majority of event participants (56%) would be most likely to use public transport or rental bikes to get to the stadium or public viewing. So when it comes to the consideration of presenting themselves in the urban environment of the venues using out-of-home advertising, advertising companies should take care of booking appropriate advertising media for the European Championship period at an early stage.

6. Do not advertise at any price, but in a targeted and authentic way

However, wanting to promote the European Football Championship at any price is also the wrong way to go – not only because the sustainability message may not be credible, but also because the hook must fit the target group and the company. In addition, the UEFA advertising rules must be observed when it comes to the use of terms and graphics. Under certain circumstances, it can also make sense to take up other events acyclically to the European Championships, such as the largest food trade fair Anuga in October, which also places great emphasis on the topic of sustainability, or – if it is to remain sporty – the World Dance Championships, which will take place in 2024 in one of the European Championship venues, namely the city of Leipzig. Those who approach their media planning strategically can make the right decisions here.

Conclusion: utilizing the most sustainable advertising event of 2024

In general, the European Football Championship is very likely to be an attractive advertising topic once again. Numerous companies will have the opportunity to use the great attention surrounding the event to present themselves in a good – primarily sustainable – light. However, this will only be crowned with success if sustainability and responsibility are not just advertising slogans, but a living corporate philosophy. This is because marketing has long had the EM on its radar and can quickly secure attractive discounts from media providers and agencies. With the right strategy and the appropriate authenticity, the sporting event will contribute to the image and business of companies.


Author info

Jan Gewinner is Head of Business Development Media & Services at nextbike (, the European bike-sharing market leader that stands for a multimodal and socially responsible mobility transition. For 19 years, he has held various positions in sales & sales marketing in the field of outdoor advertising and ambient media. Most recently, he worked at Wall GmbH for six years before moving to nextbike in 2016, where he is now responsible for B2B sales with a focus on bicycle advertising.